
2022-10-10 14:50:46 来源: 浏览:

于亚龙,男,汉族,1990年12月出生于河南省商水县。2022年7月入职湖北文理学院数学与统计学院。承担《高等数学》的课程教学工作,主要研究方向为代数表示论,参与国家自然科学基金1项,已在 Linear and Multilinear Algebra,Communications in Algebra,Journal of Algebra and Its Applications等重要期刊发表SCI论文4篇,CSCD核心期刊论文1篇。


2011.9-2015.6 信阳师范学院数学与应用数学专业,理学学士学位;

2015.9-2018.6 福建师范大学基础数学专业,理学硕士学位,导师:陈正新教授;

2019.9-2022.6 福建师范大学基础数学专业,理学博士学位,导师:陈正新教授。


1. Zhengxin Chen, and Yalong Yu."Biderivations and strong commutativity-preserving maps on parabolic subalgebras of simple Lie algebras." Linear and Multilinear Algebra (2022): 2659-2671

2.Yalong Yu, and Zhengxin Chen. "Local derivations on Borel subalgebras of finite-dimensional simple Lie algebras." Communications in Algebra 48.1 (2020): 1-10.

3.Zhengxin Chen, and Yalong Yu. "Regular Hom-Lie structures on Borel subalgebras of

Finite dimensional simple Lie algebras." Communications in Algebra 48.5 (2020): 2065-2071.

4. Zhengxin Chen, and Yalong Yu. "Regular Hom–Lie structures on strictly upper triangular matrix Lie algebras." Journal of Algebra and its Applications (2021): 2250081.

5. Yalong, Yu, and Zhengxin. Chen . "The Structure of a Lie Algebra Attached to a Unit Form." 数学研究及应用:英文版 39.5(2019):20.

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